This is how you can translate your curriculum (cv)

How to translate my CV? Where to translate my curriculum?

Can I translate my resume ( cv ) automatically?

The short answer is, Yes,  we can translate our resumes easily with an online tool that will help us make this process faster and easier.

We will translate our curriculum with the online tool called DEFTPDF, our curriculum can be in pdf or word format, which are the most common formats for this type of work.

Here I show you how to translate your resume step by step:

Translating our curriculum is very useful when we are sending our hiring information to a new company in a foreign language, but we have our curriculum in another language and we do not want to do it again completely, just translate it. For that we need to do the following ..

How to translate a curriculum vitae?

This is what we will do: 
We will translate our curriculum, this example is in a pdf document, then we will edit the details to finally download it.

  1. First we will go to
  2. Then we will upload our curriculum file to the site.
    How to translate my CV? Where to translate my curriculum?
  3. Then we will introduce the language we want to translate
    How to translate my CV? Where to translate my curriculum?
  4. After translating our curriculum we can edit it, moving each text and we can modify the context if it requires changes. 
    How to translate my CV? Where to translate my curriculum?
  5. Finally we can download it in pdf.
    How to translate my CV? Where to translate my curriculum?

Sometimes it is difficult to translate content in pdf because of the weight of the file but in it worked very well, and the most important thing is that the format was maintained at all times, I really liked that the text could be edited live and it seemed to me very useful.

Of course when we translate we can find word errors and even context errors, because the translation is done by a machine, but we can edit that part by going to the google translator and manually reviewing the section that we believe is incorrect.

If we do not know the language to which we want to translate, what we can do in the google translator is, write in our language and then revert the language with the arrows to reverse to see if the translated is similar or equal to what we write in the beginning.

I hope this article has been helpful to you.

To translate heavyweight PDFs, which have a lot of text but few images, I show you how to do it in this article: how to translate a PDF document?

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