How to translate an image on the Computer, Android and Iphone (with tools)

How to translate an image on the computer, android, and iphone with tools?

Translating an image means that we can use an online tool to translate the text inside the images we have or take with our cell phones. This is possible through an OCR tool that means (Optical Character Recognition) - Optical character recognition.

To translate our images we can use Google Translate App, Yandex Translate,,, Among other mobile applications that I will show you later.

Today we can use this tool through applications on the web or on our mobile devices for free and for payment, for more complex image translations.

Let me show you when we need to translate our images, why and how can we do it; Next:

When will we need to translate an image?

We will need to translate an image when, for example, we are going on vacation and we are tourists in a country whose language we do not know, then we may need to translate traffic signs, public services, shops, restaurants, gas stations, etc. We can do this by simply taking photos of the signals and then translating them with our preferred image translator.

Another example, when we need to translate an image is when we want to buy foreign products which have labels in another language or when we receive any other image in another language whose text we do not understand is useful to understand its content in our own language.

Why do we want to translate an image?

We want to translate an image because it is much simpler than transcribing what an image says and then putting it in the translator, and also sometimes we want to translate images but we want them with its original format and at the same time with the translation to share them with our friends.

How to translate an image?

We will translate an image with the following tools for web, apps for android and apps for iphone, I show you below how, and their differences ..

With these tools we will translate images online on computers:


The first online tool we will test is Yandex Translate, one of the advantages of this tool is that we can use it on a computer and not only on the mobile phone as google translate app ..

To start:

  1. We go to “Yandex Translate”
    How to translate a computer image with Yandex into another language?
  2. Then we upload the image we want to translate
    How to translate a computer image with Yandex into another language?
  3. Next the text will be selected in the image but we can adjust it in the left corner, so that you select the text by letter, line, or block.
    How to translate a computer image with Yandex into another language?
  4. Finally we click on “Open in Yandex.Translate” and it will take us to the text translator where all the words in our image will be inserted.
    How to translate a computer image with Yandex into another language?
  5. Translated text.
    How to translate a computer image with Yandex into another language?
As you can see the translation is not very good, but it gives us a good idea of ​​what it means in the image, also a disadvantage is that the text does not change in the image but it only takes out the text and translates it separately.


This is the second online tool to translate images that we will see, one of its advantages is that its interface is easy to understand, but the main advantage I see on this website is that we can translate the text and edit it directly in our image keeping the format of the image. (The free version has a watermark)
  1. First we go to “”
    How to translate an image without losing the format?
  2. Then we configure the language we want to translate
    How to translate an image without losing the format?
  3. Now We can correct the text and edit it, if necessary.
    How to translate an image without losing the format?
  4. And finally we download the result of our edition, but with a watermark.
    How to translate an image without losing the format?
Then we can see that this online tool is very good, it does not have a good translation, because in my opinion, it translated word by word, instead of the whole sentence together, but it is very good that we can translate the text directly into our image, that can be very useful, when we want to share the images in our language.

For a version without watermarks, has several packages at a different price that include 100 images, 20 images or 5 images to translate without a watermark.

Stepes is an online service to translate all kinds of images and videos by chat, that is, on its page you upload the image and you are quoted for the translation of each word as I show you below.

  1. First we go to the web page. “STEPES Chat & Translate”
    How to translate revised images and documents online? stepes
  2. Then we upload our photo and configure the language options to translate.
    How to translate revised images and documents online? stepes
  3. Below is the cost of translating the image and we proceed to the payment.
    How to translate revised images and documents online? stepes
This is a tool that translates the images by chat, but does not show us if it convert the image to the new language as “Image Translate” above, or if it simply send us the translation information. As we can see, for simple translations it seems to be economic, of course you can also request advanced translations in different types of files.

In conclusion:

I found other online tools to translate images but most have the same function as Yandex Translate, it only translates the text and the image is not edited.

That's why I liked in my opinion the translation of “Image Translate” because you can edit the text directly in the image and that is something that I thought was great.

But if we just need to give ourselves a simple idea of ​​what an image says, we can use the Yandex translator for free as we saw.

Now below we will see applications to translate images from our cell phone.

With these apps we will translate images on android:

OCR text scanner
The first app for android that I want to show you is an app called “OCR TEXT SCANNER” with a score of 4.6 out of 5 points, it has very good comments, of course some say that the translation It is not perfect, but the text is editable, even in one of the comments a person says that it helps a lot to translate images and PDFs

How to translate an image from my android with an app?

Google translateWe also have the “Google Translate” application that has instant translation with the camera in 38 languages , we only take a photo where there is text and it will translate to our language.

How to translate an image from my android with an app? google translate

With these apps we will translate images in IOS Iphone:

Itranslate Translator
This is an application for iphone and IOS devices that has a function called LENS with which we can take pictures, such as menus and signals signs and translate them instantly.

How to translate an image from my iphone with an app? itranslate

Google Translate for Iphone
I love google translate, it is very accurate in translations when we write the context correctly with the appropriate commas, and especially, I love this function of using the camera to instantly translate the text. But all this is only translation of the text of the image and does not change the image itself.

How to translate an image from my iphone with an app? google translate

My opinion:
Then we can see that if it is possible to translate an image and there are already tools both online and in applications for mobile devices, to be honest I did not know what could be done until I experimented with these tools and wanted to share how to translate images, it seems to me great that this is possible and I think that soon these services will be greatly improved..


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