How to translate a web page from my browser (Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Safari or Opera using a simple extension.)

How to translate a web page from my browser for chrome, firefox, explorer and opera

I am here trying to find a way to translate a web page easily without going into difficult configurations of my browser, I searched and This is what I found, let me show you.

The most simple and easiest way to translate a web page in any browser, whether Chrome, Firefox, Edge Explorer, Safari, or Opera is by adding an extension, in a very simple way, the most popular and useful extension for me has been "Google Translate"  so everything will be simpler and much faster for us, not only to translate to a single language but also to multiple languages, if we wish. 

Let me show you how to install a translating extension in your preferred browser:

How to translate a web page in / with Google Chrome ?  

-Without installing anything:
Yes, Google Chrome, so if we have already installed the language that we want by default in our browser, all you have to do is, click on the website at any part of the text, with the right-click mouse button, then we are shown a drop-down menu in which we select "Translate to (our language)”, depending on which language we have by default in Chrome, this is very useful because we do not need to install anything is simply a tool that it comes in the browser by default.

-By Installing an Extension:
But if you would like to translate only what you do not know about the text, we have the option to Translate by only selecting the text with the mouse using the Google Chrome extension called "Google Translate" we can download it in the Chrome Web Store, just follow these steps with me, if you already have installed Google Chrome:

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Search in Google "Chrome web Store" Enter this page.
  3. In the Search box type “Google Translate” and it will appear quickly. 
  4. Now just make sure that the creator of the extension is “ com” (This way we know that we are talking about the same extension)
  5. Finally install the extension.

Now you can translate any text in Google Chrome, just by selecting the text will appear the extension icon, It opens a pop up window in miniature of the Google translator, that will give you a translation of what you highlighted.

How to translate a web page in / with Firefox ?  

 For firefox is also very simple to install our translating extension, we can use the same extension of “Google Translate” to translate our web pages, just follow these steps with me:

  1.  Open Firefox.
  2.  Search in Google "Firefox add ons" This is the name of the store extensions of firefox, enter this page.
  3.  On the right corner at the top of the page there is a search box, type "Google Translate" and click on enter .
  4. Next we will make sure that the extension we are looking for, has been created by "Translate selected text" this can be found just below the description of the extension next to the rating stars. (This way we know that we are talking about the same extension).
  5. Finally install the extension.

 All set, now you can translate any text in Firefox, just by selecting the text it will give you a translation of what you highlighted.

How to translate a web page in / with Microsoft Edge Explorer ?

For Microsoft Explorer Edge we also have a different extension since there is not yet a Google Translate extension for it. 
So this time, we are going to use the extension "Translator for Microsoft Edge" to translate web pages in Microsoft Edge Explorer Just follow these simple steps with me:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge Explorer.
  2. Search in Google "Microsoft Store" enter this page.
  3. In the right corner of the window, you will find the - magnifying glass icon -, it will open the search box and then type "Translator for Microsoft Edge" and press enter. 
  4. Next we will make sure that the extension we are looking for, has been created by "Microsoft Corporation" this can be found just below the title of the extension next to its image. (This way we know that we are talking about the same extension).
  5. You can finally click on the Get button to install the extension.

How does the  extension of “ Translator for Microsoft Edge ” work?
All you have to do is to look in your address bar when you enter a page that you want to translate and click on the icon of the translator that we installed and you will instantly translate the page into the language of your selection, you can also just highlight the part of the text you want Translate And click on the right mouse button to translate the line you want.

How to Translate a web page in / with Safari

For Safari we have a special extension called "Translate" to translate our website, it is very easy to install & use,  just follow these steps:

  1.  Open Safari.
  2. Search in Google "Safari Extensions Gallery" and enter this page.
  3. On the right side of the page, on the lower corner, in the search box type “Translate”
  4. Choose the extension of Translate created by “”
  5. Finally install the extension on your Mac 

The way it works is by automatically translating entire webpages into your preferred language as you browse or just translate snippets, when there's a few words you don't understand.

How to translate web pages in / with Opera

For opera, we can use the extension of “Google Translate” again, which we will be installing together below:

  1. Open opera.
  2. Search in Google "Opera add  ons" and enter that page. 
  3. In the search box in the upper right corner type "Google Translate"
  4. choose the Google Translate extension created by "imtranslator"
  5. Finally download and install it

This extension can help you to translate an entire web page or just a text selection by changing the text online or opening a pop up in which your translation will show up.

These extensions are easy to use and very easy to install so you do not need to manually translate any web page and all without entering a difficult browser settings

How to use the Google translator to translate a web page in any browser ?

This way is by using the google translator manually, so if you want to do this, just follow the next steps.

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Search in Google "Google Translate" Enter that page.
  3. Select the text you want to translate in your web page with the right mouse button, click on the selection, and select “copy” (or just press ctrl + c).
  4. Go back to the Google Translate page and in the left box, click on the right mouse button to paste, and select “paste” (or ctrl + v)

Set the Google Translate language to the language you want to translate, the box on the left must be the language - of the text to be translated - and the box on the right must be in the language to which - you wish to translate -.

The box on the left can also be set to detect language automatically, this is usually very useful when we do not know what language the text is. 

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