Meanings and relationships of the letter ALEPH (א) and number 1 in the bible (torah) through gematria.

Meaning of the letter aleph (א)

The aleph represents the number one as it is the first letter of the alphabet. It also represents the one G-d. Like the Hebrew word "Ejad" (אחד) which means one and it is written: Hear Israel the Lord our G-d, the Lord is ONE "Ejad" (אחד). It is found in Deuteronomy 6: 4.

The aleph is made up of two letters ioud (י) one above and one below, and in the middle it crosses a letter vav (ו). The gematria value of the letter ioud (י) is equal to "10" and that of the letter vav (ו) is equal to "6". Therefore the sum of these letters (two ioud and one vav) is equal to "26".
Aleph letter consisting of two ioud and one vav

The number 26 is the same value as that of the sacred name of G-d (ioud, Hey, Vav, Hey). From this it is understood that the letter aleph also represents the name of G-d.

Finding the gematria of the letter aleph (א) in the torah

The first way that I look for any meaning or relationship of the letter is through the letter (א) itself  (its value in gematria is "1") but I have not found a gematria value equal to "1" in the torah, which seems very interesting to me.

Another way to find meaning for the letter aleph is by using the value of its full name. (אלף). Which in gematria is = "111". How fascinating it is that there are three 1s, don't you think? 

In the image below, you can find the value of each hebrew letter.
Alef Bet, hebrew alphabet with each letter value in guematria.

I'll start with permutations of the Aleph name. Permute is to change the order of the position of the letters to find a new meaning in the word (group of letters).

Permutations of Aleph (אלף)
  • אֶ֤לֶף- (Eleph)  it means: 
    • cattle, oxen
    • A thousand.

  • אֹ֝֗פֶל- (Ophel)  it means:
    • darkness, gloom
    • spiritual unreceptivity, calamity (fig.)  .

  • לְפָא-   it means:
    • To join.

  • פֶֽלֶא- (Pele) it means: 
    • Wonder, marvel.

Gematria is assigning a numerical value to a name or word, based on the sum of the value of its letters to find relationships with other words of different meaning but with the same numerical value. 

The numerical value establishes a connection between words.

Relationships in guematria of Aleph (אלף) value=111
Some findings of relationships and possible meanings of this letter are:

 1לְעָבְדָ֖הּ- (Leabda) It is found in Genesis 2:15 (guematria = 111)

    it means:  to work, serve.

    from the root " עָבַד "

    • to labour, work, do work
    • to work for another, serve another by labour
    • to serve as subjects
    • to serve (God)
    • to serve (with Levitical service)
2.סְאִים֙- (Seim) It is found in Genesis 18:6  (guematria = 111)

    it means: multiple "Seah-s"

    from the root " סְאָה "

    • seah, a measure of flour or grain
    • probably equal to 1/3 ephah
3.אֶ֤לֶף- (Eleph) It is found in Genesis 20:16  (guematria = 111)

    it means: 

    • cattle, oxen
    • A thousand 
4.נֶ֣זֶם זָהָ֔ב- (Nezem-Zahab) It is found in Genesis 24:22  (guematria = 111) 

    it means: 

    • Gold ring, from the nose or ear.

5.אַדְמוֹנִ֔י- (Admoni) It is found in Genesis 25:25  (guematria = 111)

    it means: Red

    from the root " אַדְמֹנִי "

    • red
    • ruddy (of Esau as infant)

6.בָּטְנִ֖ים- (Batnim) It is found in Genesis 43:11(guematria = 111)

    it means: pistachio nuts

    from the root " בֹּטֶן "

    • Pistachio nuts-delicacy given to Joseph by Jacob through his sons

7.כְבַד־פֶּ֛ה- (Kabod-Pe) It is found in Exodus 4:10(guematria = 111)

    it means: Slow of speech or heavy(difficult) mouth.

8.כָּל־הַיּ֥וֹם- (kal- Hayom) It is found in Exodus 10:13(guematria = 111)

    it means: All the day.

9.פֶֽלֶא- (Pele) It is found in Exodus 15:11(guematria = 111)

                      it means: Wonder, marvel

10.אֶל־יְס֖וֹד- (El-Yesod) It is found in Exodus 29:12(guematria = 111)

                        it means: The base, the foundation.

One of the things that catches my attention is that the term El-Yesod is equal to the name of the Sefira Yesod. Interesting isn't it?

11. מַסְוֶֽה- It is found in Exodus 34:33(guematria = 111)
                         it means: Veil.

12. אֶל־הַכֹּהֵ֔ן- (El-HaCohen) It is found in Leviticus 2:8(guematria = 111)
                          it means: The priest, principal officer or chief ruler. 

13.דְּעוּאֵֽל- (Deuel) It is found in Numbers 1:14(guematria = 111)
                            it means: Deuel (it is a name) = "they know God"

14.עוֹלָ֛ה- (Olah) It is found in 1° Samuel 7:9(guematria = 111)

                             it means: whole Burnt offering.

15. סֹאֵ֣ן- (Soen) It is found in Isaiah 9:4(guematria = 111)

                              it means: to tread, tramp.

16. קָ֑טֶב- (kateb) It is found in Isaiah 28:2(guematria = 111)

                               it means: destruction.

17.מַלְכִּיָּ֣הוּ-  (Malchiyah) It is found in Jeremiah 38:6(guematria = 111)

                             it means: A name ="My king is Jehova".

18לְ֝כִסֵּ֗א- (Le-kise) It is found in Psalms 9:5(guematria = 111)

                                it means: For the throne.

19. אֹ֝֗פֶל- (Ophel) It is found in Psalms 11:2(guematria = 111)

                             it means:
    • darkness, gloom
    • spiritual unreceptivity, calamity (fig.)  .

20דָּבְקָ֣ה- It is foun in Psalms 63:9 (guematria = 111)

                            it means: to cling, stick, stay close, cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, join to, overtake, catch.

21.אֹנֵ֑ס- It is found in Esther 1:8(guematria = 111)

                             it means: to compel, to constrain. 


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